>I work for an ISP, and we have several thousand email accounts.  My
 >currently POP server is running Solaris 2.5.1 and Qpopper 3.1.2.  Other than
 >the fact that the box is getting older, and drive space is becoming limited,
 >the box is running fine.
 >I'm attempting to upgrade my POP server to a new box (bigger) running
 >Solaris 8.  I've configured the box, and thought everything was working
 >great.  I put the new box in service yesterday morning, and at first
 >everything was humming along great -- this was in the early morning hours,
 >when utilization was low.  As it got closer to peak time (8am) things
 >started to worsen and worsen quickly.

We also have this problem, and it is clearly a Solaris 8 problem, as we
have two identical machines, one Solaris 2.6, one Solaris 8, both
running the same version of Qpopper, and both with the same load, as we
use DNS and round-robin to share the load. We run a simple Perl program
to simulate a POP session and time the response, and the response for
the Solaris 8 system under load is sometimes much worse, by an order of
magnitude, than the Solaris 2.6 system. We currently have an open call
with Sun about this, but they want us to apply the latest patches first,
which we hope to do next week. Do you use NFS ? We have a single mail spool
which is NFS mounted, and wonder if there is a concurrency problem with
NFS or file locking. 

Adrian Barker, Information Systems
University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
External phone: (+44) 020 7679  2795,  Fax (+44) 20 7388 5406
Internal phone: x 32795
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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