Hi All

I'm running Linux Mandrake 8.1 and installed qpopper and drac from rpms
(4.0.3 and 1.10 respectively).

I have postfix running and it quite happily accepts mail for me and
spools it to /var/spool/mail/neil.  Also, I can remotely use outlook
setup to pop it and here is where the problem starts.  Even though I
have sent a test email to myself and can even read it using emacs (so
it's there!), when I pop it using outlook from another machine it
doesn't throw any errors back or anything, it just acts as though there
are no new messages - so, qpopper seems to be working to some extent
(indeed, when I 'stop' it then outlook fails, so...)

So, my thoughts are that perhaps qpopper is working nicely but is
looking in the wrong place for the mail.

My question is then, if this is the case, how can I (post install)
define the spool path.  I've tried to do this using the pop3 config file
within xinetd.d folder that gets 'included' into the xinetd.conf along
with qpopper.config (I am running qpopper through xinetd btw).

here is the pop3 text which is as it was originally installed apart from
the config-file = /etc/qpopper.config

# qpopper config file for xinetd
service pop3
        flags       = REUSE NAMEINARGS
        socket_type = stream
        protocol    = tcp
        wait        = no
        user        = root
        server      = /usr/sbin/in.qpopper
        server_args = in.qpopper -s
        config-file = /etc/qpopper.config
        log_on_failure += HOST
        log_on_success += HOST


(snippet from /etc/qpopper.config)<><><><><><><><><><><><><>
# Set this to the full path to the mail spool directory.
# The default is determined at compile time.  
set spool-dir                = /var/spool/mail

So, have I used the correct way to try to get qpopper to user the
qpopper.config and secondly, if so, why is it ignoring it?  If indeed
this is the problem.

Thanks for any help you can give this poor soul who just wants it to
work now (one week's playing is enough now, gawd!).


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