Qpopper 4.0.5b1 is available at <ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com/eudora/servers/unix/popper/beta/>.

The full list of changes from one release to the next is on the FTP site, at <ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com/eudora/servers/unix/popper/beta/Changes>.

Changes from 4.0.4b1 to 4.0.5b2:
4. STLS errors (except for timeout) no longer fatal.
5. Added sample xinetd configuration file.
6. Additional checks for networking libraries.
7. Pick up LDFLAGS from environment, if set.
8. Added '--enable-32-bit' and '--enable-64-bit'
9. Applied patch from Jeremy Chadwick to fix pathname trimming in
standalone mode.

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