Hello !

I just want to setup the new 4.05fc2 on a SUSE 7.3 box,
here are my configure options:
./configure --enable-nonauth-file=/etc/popusers --enable-log-facility=LOG_LOCAL0 
--enable-shy --enable-specialauth --enable-log-login 
and I get following warning:

./common/libcommon.a(maillock.o): In function `Qmaillock':
/home/rk/pop405fc2/qpopper4.0.5fc2/common/maillock.c:278: the use of `tempnam' is 
dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rk/pop405fc2/qpopper4.0.5fc2/popper'

Popper is compiled and works ...
I remember to have seen this warning in other Popper Version 4.0.3, 4.04, but never 
had problems with qpopper.
But I want to solve this ... what can I do about ?


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