Quoting Robert Brewer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> --On Thursday, May 22, 2003 1:20 PM -0400 Steve Perrault 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Even in server mode, this would still be implemented by comparing the date
> >on the cache files.  This would be a great feature.  I don't know how
> >receptive our users would be, however.
> My co-worker had these thoughts on the issue:
> Keep in mind that the date on the temporary file is not changed when
> in server mode.  We discovered this because our support department
> depends on the date on the file to determine when someone last checked
> their email.

Odd, one might suggest using logs files for this information.

That said, there ARE times when I am waiting for a message
(ie, I just sent a test message) and I beat on the "check mail"

T'would be nice to make it more subtle and look for users who
have "check mail every [< 120] seconds" (24 hrs/day) get
punished.  Folks who are regular misusers rather than folks
who are waiting for something.

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