I found it:

When I created the new certificate I didn't delete the old cert.pem file
first. The new one contained the info from both certificates.


> We installed Qpopper 4.0.4 quite awhile ago without too much fuss and life
> has been pretty uneventfull.
> We've been using a self-signed test certificate which expired over the
> weekend causing my Outlook 98 to bug me with "The server you are connected
> to is using a security certificate which has expired or is not yet valid,"
> and asking if I would like to continue everytime it checks for mail.
> Today I generated a new, 3650 day certificate (and even imported it to my
> computer) and rebooted the server (Redhat 7.2), but I STILL get the same
> message every time it checks for mail. Oddly, my boss has not gotten this
> message at all. (Neither of us turn our PCs of at night.) We both have
> Outlook 98, IE 5.5, and Windows 98, but I believe mine is ver 1 and his is
> 98SE.
> What did I miss?
> Ken Bradford
> Alpha II Service, Inc.

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