On Fri, 2003-07-11 at 11:44, Daniel Senie wrote:
> At 02:32 PM 7/11/2003, you wrote:
> >Setting up qpopper 4x on redhat 8
> >I need to launch popper from xinetd.
> >can anyone post a xinetd.conf file to see what I have wrong in mine.
> I offered in email several days ago to send you a functional xinetd file if 
> you needed it. I never heard back from you. I guess email from me to you 
> doesn't get to you or something.
> Place the contents below into /etc/xinetd.d/qpopper, then issue
>      /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd reload
> to get xinetd to recognize the file is there.
> service pop3
> {
>          flags                   = REUSE NAMEINARGS
>          socket_type             = stream
>          wait                    = no
>          user                    = root
>          server                  = /usr/sbin/popper
>          server_args             = popper -s
>          instances               = 50
>          disable                 = no
>          port                    = 110
           bind                    =
>          per_source              = 10
> }

> "Does not work" isn't very descriptive... Please be a bit more descriptive 
> and folks will try to help you.

Note the bind = line which specifies which IP to listen on, else it will
be all IPs.

Brian Keefer

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