Um, when Solaris came out, we didn't touch it until 5.5.
Before then it was mostly beta quality code.

"5.5.1," our salesman boasted, "is as fast as 4.1.3 was."
(gee, and only 2 years wasted).

Might I just generally suggest 5.7 or 5.8?

Or what I did with my IPX:
  I put OpenBSD on it, kept SunOS libraries in /emul/svr4/lib/ and
run Solaris and SunOS binaries just fine, but with OpenBSD beneath
it.  (my Sparc 10 still runs BSD just fine, and it runs FrameMaker
for SunOS 4 when I have the patience to put a head on it.

You're running dangerous code, my friend.  An upgrade or replacement
with a Pentium 200 (free, often, and faster) could be considered.

Regarding POP, debug it first by hand, no fancy apps :)

telnet $MACHINE 110        # do you get a prompt?  Then qpopper is listening.
USER YourUserName
PASS  YourPassword         # now you've logged in.
RETR 1                     # Get message 1

Quoting Varga Tamas ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Dear Members,
> I have problem with using Qpopper. I downloaded it for my old SUN
> Sparcstation 10. It has SUN OS 5.4 operating system (I know it is very old,
> but I can't use newer one). I try the 4.0.5 and 3.0.2 version. I read
> that not have to run the configure with "--enable-specialauth" on Solaris
> system. There was a little problem with compiling (exactly with linking):
> I have to write "/usr/ucblib/libucb.a" to the end of LIBS in file
> ./popper/Makefile. After it the "make" was successfull. I copyed the
> popper file to the "/opt/pop3d" directory and changed the /etc/inetd.conf
> as I read in the documentation. After it the mail client (Eudora) gets empty
> mails. There was no subjets and texts, nor sender, all field was empty.
> After it I returned the original settings, and the mail system mended.
> I want to ask you, give mee some advice: what can I do with qpopper
> configure to get a working system
> .
> I need to change the pop3 server, as I have problem with mails recently.
> Sometime I get mail which containing 4-5 other mails, another time I
> don't get mail. (The sendmail's log contain the mail data, and the
> other client, where I forwarded mails get those mail.) I use Eudora and
> try Pegazus too.
> My .forward file:
> /vargat

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