On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Jason Williams wrote:

> First question is about the install. Im reading over the .pdf file right 
> now, and all of the options.
> Since Postfix on this server was installed via RPM, should the install of 
> Postfix go any differently? Should I specify certain features, disable 
> certain features etc.

postfix questions are beyond the scope of this mailing list.
Try http://www.postfix.org/lists.html

> I guess one question I have is to make sure that qpopper starts in the 
> event our mail server reboots.

if you're running qpopper in inetd mode:
 make sure inetd/xinetd starts on boot
if you're running qpopper in standalone mode:
 make a startup script in /etc/rc.d/init.d and make the proper 
 startup (S) and kill (K) symlinks in yoru rcX.d directories
 add your qpopper start command to your rc.local script

Anthony J. Biacco                            Network Administrator/Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.asteroid-b612.org

       "You find magic from your god, and I find magic everywhere" 

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