On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Phil Kemp wrote:

> Now for some reason that I cannot determine, the pop session abnormally
> terminates at the point where the messages are being retrieved. Telnet
> sessions to port 110 show that the login process succeeds, the LIST
> command shows the messages.
> Once I issue the RETR command the connection drops.

This is when issuing RETR during a telnet session to the POP server?
Does it happen regardless of the message you're asking to RETR, or only
with one (or more) specific message(s)?  Are you able to verify that the
mail spool isn't corrupted somehow?

I'll be interested in seeing what more you find about this.  I've seen
what I think is similar behaviour as you describe, but from what I'm
able to see it has always looked to me as though the *client* is
dropping the connection ...

Sylvain Robitaille                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Systems analyst                                   Concordia University
Instructional & Information Technology        Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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