On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 12:47:38PM +0100, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
> As mentioned in my last mail, my alias plugin allows setting notes per
> recipient, which can be used by other plugins. This patch adds an option
> per_recipient to denysoft_greylist. If it is set, the plugin will
> immediately return DECLINED unless
> $transaction->notes('recipient_options')->{denysoft_greylist} is true.
> This allows me enable greylisting selectively for some addresses. E.g.,
> my personal addresses have it enabled:
>     hjp,peter.holzer                @wsr.ac.at, wifo.ac.at, wifo.at
>     :[EMAIL PROTECTED]          (denysoft_greylist)
> but the postmaster address doesn't:
>     postmaster      @wsr.ac.at      :[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       hp

The current version of denysoft_greylist (at 
http://www.openfusion.com.au/labs/qpsmtpd/) also supports a more 
general whitelisting scheme using my whitelist_soft plugin, which is a 
more conservative variant of Devin's original whitelist plugin.

We seem to be seeing a bit of duplication lately - do we need a webpage
or something where announced plugins (and patches and forks) can be 
registered (and perhaps rated)? We probably also need to ensure that
third-party plugins included in the distribution or cvs can be updated
periodically by their authors - not sure how that's supposed to work
at the moment?


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