On Jun 4, 2004, at 10:11 AM, James Craig Burley wrote:

So why in the world would you ever want every domain in your cache?

You completely missed the point -- *again*.

Anytime an SPF (or other DNS) lookup results in a cache miss, some
other, upstream or authoritative, *shared* cache or server must be
consulted to obtain the necessary info.

Isn't checking that the domain exists already quite common? The SPF lookup has exactly the same cost (less incremental cost actually!)

(If DNS did not depend on a high cache hit rate, there would be little
or no need for DNS caches at all.)

See my earlier data from the ORDB database. The hit ratio is relatively low there from what I can see in log files (resolvers and authoritative servers). And the TTL for relays.ordb.org is much lower than it generally will be for SPF.

___In any case: Let's stop this thread here. If anyone wants to continue discussing it, then the spf-discuss list would be the right place.___

- ask


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