On 11 Oct 2004, at 20:26, John Peacock wrote:

Matt Sergeant wrote:

As an ex spamassassin developer, I support the change. However I don't use the plugin (SA isn't aggressive enough for me), so don't take my word as gospel.

That's what's funny - I don't use SA any more either! I'm using dspam to great effect:

        Your overall accuracy is        97.888%

with only about 2 months training...

Pshawww.. Bayes is *so* last year's technology :-)

I have about 99.9% accuracy without bayes (or any per-user training). Though admittedly I sometimes quarantine my wife's newsletters :-)

My top tips:

Block anything without a Message-ID header.
Block anything without any Received headers.
Block anything found in CBL, SBL and SORBS.
Block anything HELOing with a string matching \d+[\.-]\d+
Block anything marked "bulk" in DCC.

That gets pretty much all my spam, though I have a few extras in there too.


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