But if you don't want to be black-listed as rfc-ignorant (and/or you're being joe-jobbed) then you have to be a little more polite when the sender is <> (ie for bounces), and I found a lot of spammers automatically send as <> (and using one of those things to mangle outgoing addresses so can reject false bounces won;t do much good - the rfc-ignorant crowd just try to send you an email from <> and add you to the blacklist if you don't accept it, which in turn seems more than a little ignorant).

Are you suggesting that you *have* to accept email from <> even if the recipient doesn't exist? That sounds like a pretty gross black hole to me...

Now I simple reply with different DENY messages depending on if $sender eq "" or not, but that's why I was suggesting the mod to check_badrcptto so I'd hard deny anyone who quoted certain "known only to spammers" addresses.

Also in those programming days I made some kind of mod to badrcptto that logged and blacklisted anybody who emailed spamtraps. Of course there is the issue when it is a bounce from someone else's server.

Good grief. All these rules and bandaids and walking on egg shells to keep customers happy yet keep the systems clean from crap.

-- Bryan

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