Matt Sergeant wrote:
What I don't want to do is have us all have to maintain an old 5.6 install just to test it there before every release.

Since we have allows our() to creep in, apparently no one was testing 5.005 anyways. ;-)

Since I plan on keeping compatible back as far as I can (currently 5.005), I tend to have multiple Perl versions installed on at least one machine. We could say "primarily developed using Perl 5.8.x but lightly tested using 5.6.x" and I could be pressured to at least ensure that it still accepts mail prior to each release.

I'll have to remember why I installed 5.8.x on my Cobalt boxes instead of using the included 5.6.0 before I commit to anything. If we do decide to cut off earlier Perl releases, by all means make it explicit with a 'require' line rather than just a documentation mention.


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