John Peacock wrote:
I don't view it as a terrible hardship for the site admin to move anything out of contrib/ into plugins/ in order to use is (since that is exactly what happens today).

Yep. Or symlink to contribs/plugins/...

For the record, my proposal was a contribs/ folder at the top level of the qpsmtpd directory, with individual folders for each contributed item. This might seem overkill for a single plugin submission, but we could easily switch that to a separate folder for each author

Careful here. We did something similar for e-smith/SME Server and it quickly became confusing as people built their own "latest" copy of a package. Although more painful from an auth p.o.v., I think the subdirectories should be named by plugin, if subdirectories are chosen.

I'm in favour of subdirectories, but would also be happy with a single contribs/plugins directory. The goal here is to ensure that we can collect plugins in SVN with minimal effort on the part of those who have SVN write access. The contribs tree could be maintained by someone other than the current trunk maintainers.



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 of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who
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