Hi ,
          My requirement is  to compare two given
directories.Inorder to achieve this i have 
used File::DirCompare perl module.And i have written
the below program to get the output.

# Simple diff -r --brief replacement
  use strict;
  use File::DirCompare;
  use File::Basename;
  use File::Find::Rule;

  my $dir1 = $ARGV[0];
  my $dir2 = $ARGV[1];

  File::DirCompare->compare($dir1, $dir2, sub {
    my ($a, $b) = @_;
    if (! $b) {
      if (-d $a) {
        # For unique directories, just report all the
        printf "Only in %s: %s\n", dirname($_),
          foreach File::Find::Rule->file()->in($a);
      else {
        printf "Only in %s: %s\n", dirname($a),
    } elsif (! $a) {
      if (-d $b) {
        # For unique directories, just report all the
        printf "Only in %s: %s\n", dirname($_),
          foreach File::Find::Rule->file()->in($b);
      else {
        printf "Only in %s: %s\n", dirname($b),
    } else {
      print "Files $a and $b differ\n";

Let us Consider the below directory structure.


feb.c       Temp10     Monday.c

        Jan.c     Temp100

Similary another directory structure


feb.c         Temp10    Tuesday.c

           Jan.c     Temp200

Here i need to mention that  the contents of the files
feb.c in Temp1 and Temp2 are different.And Similarly
the contents of the file Jan.c in Temp1/Temp10  and
Temp2/Temp10 are different.

SO now if i run the program i am getting the output as

Files Temp1/Temp10/Jan.c and Temp2/Temp10/Jan.c differ
Only in Temp1/Temp10/Temp100: moon.c
Only in Temp2/Temp10/Temp200: sun.c
Only in Temp2: Tuesday.c
Files Temp1/feb.c and Temp2/feb.c differ
Only in Temp1: monday.c

But  i need an organized  output foramt like  below.

Files Temp1/Temp10/Jan.c and Temp2/Temp10/Jan.c differ
Files Temp1/feb.c and Temp2/feb.c differ

Only in Temp1/Temp10/Temp100:moon.c
Only in Temp1: monday.c

Only in  Temp2/Temp10/Temp200: sun.c
Only in  Temp2: Tuesday.c

SO first i want to print  the files that differ in
content.Next i want to print the files that are only
in  Temp1.At last i want to print the files  that are
only in Temp2.

SO where do i need to change my code inorder to get my
desired ouput.I am just a begineer in perl
programming. I require ur help in this regard.

Awiating ur reply,

with regards,

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