On Fri Apr 25, 2008 at 09:44:00 +0200, Jose Luis Martinez wrote:

> It seems that DBI at destruction time is doing something bad... but I  
> can't trace the code down to what it's doing, and why only when TLS  
> session is active, and only (until another pattern is detected) when a  
> "DATA" without line terminator is issued and connection is closed.

> Has anyone had the oportunity to reproduce the bug?

  I've seen problems with DBI under qpsmtpd, but I didn't pipe up
 earlier because my symptoms are different than yours.

  I use a singleton module to gain access to the DBI instance,
 code almost identical to this here (additional code added to
 ensure the connection is ping()d and re-opened if it went away)


  All of my plugins have code like this:

  sub foo
        my( $self, $transaction, $.... ) = ( @_);

        my $cache = Singleton::Memcached->instance();
        my $dbi = Singleton::DBI->instance();


  This basic usage works just fine *unless* I try to update the
 database.  ie.  SELECT queries are handled properly, always.
 UPDATEs are not.

  Looking around I think that my problem is that qpsmtpd creates
 the connection to the database prior to a fork - and that this
 fork()d handle is copied around to the children causing issues.

  (I'm using qpsmtpd-forkserver on Debian Etch; I'd love to try
 the Danga version, even if it meant I needed to rewrite stuff,
 but I can't find any compressive documentation on usage..)

  Looking on perlmonks there are reports of people seeing random
 problems if they fork() and use DBI without special care.  I can't
 see from your description that this is your problem - hence my
 earlier silence.

> I think that plugin timeouts, if necessary, have to be very well thought  
>  and discussed... And if they will hurt performance, just to get "badly" 
> designed plugins to timeout, maybe they are not necessary. For badly, I'm 
> referring to plugins that will not timeout by themselves.

  Perhaps /etc/qpsmtpd/(plugin-)timeout to make it configurable?

  My plugins, FWIW, are expected to finish "immediately".  So five
 minutes would be fine.

> Jose Luis Martinez
# The Debian Security Audit Project.

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