
I would like (no, LOVE) it if I could release my Qpsmtpd plugins to
CPAN. This has so many advantages, it's not even funny :)

- POD documentation with perldoc, and nice HTML documentation on

- Automated upgrades through CPAN and CPANPLUS client software.

- Automatic mirroring to dozens of CPAN mirror sites.

- Use of CPAN Ratings (star system)

- Check for (and with CPAN/CPANPLUS, automatically install) CPAN module
  dependencies (like DBI for databases).

- Use of search.cpan.org's diff and grep utilities

- Use of the Perl RT system for bug reporting and tracking.

- It makes it easy for linux/* distributors to release packages for
  individual plugins: RPM and DEB packages can be generatde
  automatically, others probably too.

And last, but certainly important:

- Increased visibility for Qpsmtpd.

The simplest way to make this work is to just use regular Perl modules,
preferrably in the Qpsmtpd::Plugin::* namespace. For this to be
succesful, several things are needed:

1. The plugin loading code must be changed to allow loading Perl modules
   in addition to regular plugin files. I believe the changes would be

2. Documentation that sums up the requirements for a Perl module-ized
   plugin for Qpsmtpd. Basically, a more verbose version of $eval in

3. A HOWTO that guides plugin writers who would like to release their
   plugin on CPAN, including how to request a CPAN account, how to write
   POD documentation, etcetera.

If the whole idea is generally considered a good idea, I volunteer to do
these things.
Met vriendelijke groet,  Kind regards,  Korajn salutojn,

  Juerd Waalboer:  Perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://juerd.nl/sig>
  Convolution:     ICT solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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