I am trying to write plugin that does DB lookup and want to use the same db connection in more than 1 plugins. Somwhere I read that we can save DB connection in qp->config(). But it is not working in my case.

Here is what I did:

#create db connection
1. my $db_data = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:qpsmtp', 'db_qpsmtpd', 'xxxx');

2. $self->qp->config('db_data_conn', $db_data);
3. $db_data =  $self->qp->config('db_data_conn');

$db_data is null at this point. I guess it is not the right way to use qp->config().

If I skip line 2 and 3 then db query works, but what I am trying to do here is save the db conn for further use in another plugin. May be it is not the right way to do it.

Can someone please tell what I am missing here.

thanks :)

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