Hi Baltasar,

Thank you for your guide. I put a trace in the plugin discovering that this piece of code doesn't check all domains in rcpt_hosts. Indeed, it only checks me and "localhost". I don't know how to follow.

  # Check if this recipient host is allowed
  for my $allowed (@rcpt_hosts) {
$self->log(4, "domain ".$allowed);
    $allowed =~ s/^\s*(\S+)/$1/;
    return (OK) if $host eq lc $allowed;
return (OK) if substr($allowed,0,1) eq "." and $host =~ m/\Q$allowed\E$/i;

The log:
29270 rcpt_ok plugin: domain landm.net
29270 rcpt_ok plugin: domain localhost

 What is strange is that qpsmtp 0.32 is working fine.

 Any ideas?

 Thank you,

Baltasar Cevc wrote:
Hi Lucas,

I assume there is no upgrade file as the qpsmtpd setups are too specific; the system is designed to suit a mass of different setup and mostly be used by people who will at least be able understand the plugin code...

As to your question:
It sounds strange to me that old plugins would not work any more; even more if they're as simple as rcpt_ok. So I think there is probably some minor error somewhere that should be easy to fix if found.

The plugin that does the check is rcpt_ok (line 5 of the log); so you must check that. On my server that plugin checks the contents of rcpthosts using the first non-whitespace characters on the line. If you don't know anything better, add some debug logging code into the plugin ($self->log(LOGDEBUG, "your text here");) and see what exactly fails.

 From the information you've sent, I don't see any obvious mistake yet.

Hope that helps,

((( Baltasar Cevc

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