I am writing a qpsmtpd-async plugin to send various blocking operation
commands to a group of pre-forked (at startup time) handler

1.) For purposes of description
plugin1 is called: handlerProcess
plugin2 is called: rcpt_ok

2.) rcpt_ok at init performs a self->isa_plugin(handlerProcess)

3.) handlerProcess has a global hash of pre-forked handler processes,
this is populated at the first call to hook_connect (the first time
hook_connect is called from startup, and only this time)

4.) rcpt_ok has a hook_rcpt that calls $self->doQuery(), sub doQuery
resides in handlerProcess plugin and this function adds a command to a
global array of pending commands, then it performs a handlerObject-
>watch_write(1) so that the queue is picked up by Danga::Socket

5.) rcpt_ok returns YIELD

6.) My problem is that in event_write and event_read() i lose access
to the plugin object, if i use Dumper to dump it out I get an empty
object even though I have passsed the $self object into a global
array.  When I run run_continuation I receive an error.

I suspect I should not be using global variables to store my available
handler processes. I would love to find an example of another plugin
which stores file handles and other information globally but I have
been unable to find one that matches what I am doing.

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