David Nicol wrote:
> Has anyone added a counter for results from installed plugins?

Apropos the "unified" thread.

By using a common logging format for all plugins, I generate metrics on
both which plugin hit, and which plugin config entry caught it.

Taking yesterday's, stripping out the individual config entry records,
and combining "streams" (production plus trap), I get:

BOT             13106986
DNSBL            3863864
PASS             2234006
badhelo            15071
SPAMASSASSIN        9625
badbodyspam         3287
okrelayt            1169 (whitelist)
okmailfr             678 (whitelist)
SMTPFAIL             566 (outbound failures, will all be inbound
                         production domains we're not verifying, and
                         the outbound servers reject.)
CLAMAV               393
badsubj              361
badfrom              196
badmailfrom          160
badrdns               89
badhdr                89
EL                    48
okrcptto              40
badbodyviruses        35
dropbouncesto         16 (selected users we drop null mailfroms)
silentfromblock       14
badxmail               4
NOPARSE                4
silentbodyblock        2

PASS is what _didn't_ hit a filter rule, and we don't apply anything but
BOT and DNSBL on trap...  Actual emails let thru is 224791

Numbers seem awful low, but relative numbers about right.  Perhaps my
quick hack summarizing the metrics missed something.

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