On Feb 10, 2009, at 2:43, Robert Spier wrote:

Committed as


Did you actually test that this worked?  I had to tweak the code to
make it make sense.  Also, you had a mix of tabs and spaces and didn't
follow the style of the rest of the code.   I cleaned them up this

Ah; git is great. :-) Basically this is like passing a patch around, but with tools that are made to work with it. (We could also have had three commits with two of them just having for the history books useless tweaks).

I cherry-picked it, did a few more tweaks to the documentation and committed to my master. Now because you have a commit I didn't pick up, the easiest way to keep your git history clean is to do a "git rebase abh/master" (or whatever you called my remote).

git remote add abh git://github.com/abh/qpsmtpd.git
git remote update
git rebase abh/master

Since I made changes to the README file that will likely conflict with yours, git will report a conflict. Since it was basically the same change, you can just do

   git rebase --skip

to toss your change away. You'll be left with a new history with this new commit as HEAD~1 and the random error plugin as your last change.

(The way to avoid having to do the rebase to keep the history clean is to put ~everything on topic branches).

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