Hi Jared,

Jared Johnson wrote:
> We've been considering blocking messages that break RFC compliance by
> including a space before or after the colon in MAIL FROM: and RCPT TO:
> commands.  From RFC 5321 Section 3.3:
>    Since it has been a common source of errors, it is worth noting that
>    spaces are not permitted on either side of the colon following FROM
>    in the MAIL command or TO in the RCPT command.  The syntax is exactly
>    as given above.
> I wrote up the following statistics in an attempt to see just what would
> happen if we started enforcing this syntax.  As it turns out, we would
> be able to skip a whole lot of RBL, SPF, and address lookups as well as
> content scans, and also be able to block a number of spams that would
> have otherwise gotten through our filter... but we would also block
> *some* legit mail.  Most of the mail that would have been blocked was
> sent by email marketers, though, and wouldn't have necessarily been
> missed by our customers; and if the senders knew what they were doing,
> they could always do something about it.
> Anyway, I thought I'd post it here and see if anyone has any opinions on
> whether it's acceptable to enforce this.  It's certainly very tempting.

The software written by my company can reject based upon this; however
we don't recommend outright rejections based upon this - instead we add
a header for SpamAssassin and score it instead.

Several reasons; there are a number of companies as you have found (that
should know better) that breach this - when doing my own testing I found
that "SurfControl E-Mail filter" was another.   Expecting these
companies to give a damn (I did mail them the issue to their support@)
is unlikely unless a real heavyweight receiver starts to enforce this.

One thing you should also note; if you allow outbound relay for MUA
clients - you must exclude them from these checks; just about every
version of Outlook Express that I tested adds extra spaces.

My 2c.

Kind regards,

Steve Freegard
Fort Systems Ltd.

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