Hi William,

looking at the source you'll see, that all DEBUG/INFO messages from my
plugin check_attachment are prefixed with 'check_part:' (or similar) to
identify the origin.

You seem to run qpsmtpd with loglevel LOGINFO, so the lines starting
with 'check_part' contain the expected messages of that level
('text-plain not matched' i.e.).


The messages below starting with 'DEBUG:' must have another origin.

But what me wonders: Obviously the HTML-mails are not denied by
check_attachment. Did you remove the lines

        m{text/html}i   DENY    Content type "html" not allowed. \
                                Possible virus infection or spam.

        .htm    SPAM    HTML document
        .html   SPAM    HTML document

from /etc/qpsmtpd/check_attachment ?

Unfortunately no results are given below in your log-excerpt - there
should be lines in the log like

552 Content type "html" not allowed. Possible virus infection or spam.

or - in case you removed the mentioned lines, aka you want to receive

250 Queued!

Another hint: I'm running qpsmtpd version 0.32-6 on debian etch
(oldstable), not the latest developer version.

Maybe this might be the origin of the 'DEBUG:' stuff - or another plugin.

Yours, Ernesto

Am 29.08.2009 18:41 schrieb William Ey:
> Hi There,
> I have a problem with the check_attachment plug-in for qpsmtpd.
> Sometimes when parsing a file the whole mime message will be written to the
> log file.  Below is the log output when this occurs.  It does not happen all
> the time.  
> Has anyone seen this happen before?
> Sun Aug 30 01:17:06 2009 smooth[6390]: 354 go ahead
> Sun Aug 30 01:17:12 2009 smooth[6390]: check_part: multipart/mixed;
> boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01CA28BF.F421DBB7"    multipart/alternative;
> boundary="----_=_NextPart_002_01CA28BF.F421DBB7"         text/plain;
> charset="iso-8859-1"  not matched
> Sun Aug 30 01:17:12 2009 smooth[6390]: check_part: multipart/mixed;
> boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01CA28BF.F421DBB7"    multipart/alternative;
> boundary="----_=_NextPart_002_01CA28BF.F421DBB7"         text/html;
> charset="iso-8859-1"  not matched
> [...]
> Sun Aug 30 01:17:12 2009 smooth[6390]: DEBUG: {}
> Sun Aug 30 01:17:12 2009 smooth[6390]: DEBUG:
> {------_=_NextPart_001_01CA28BF.F421DBB7}
> Sun Aug 30 01:17:12 2009 smooth[6390]: DEBUG: {Content-Type:
> multipart/alternative;}
> [...]


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