Hi again,

I'm working on a qpsmtpd plugin that uses popfile as a spam filter.  I borrowed 
liberally from the spamassassin plugin with a great deal of ignorance.

The plugin is written in hook_data_post 
(http://wiki.qpsmtpd.org/api:plugin_hooks) According to the API docs, the 
results from the plugin are 

      DENY - Return a hard failure code
      DENYSOFT - Return a soft failure code
      DENY_DISCONNECT & DENYSOFT_DISCONNECT - as above but with disconnect
      DONE - skip further processing (message will not be queued)

For mail labeled as SPAM,I do a DENY_DISCONNECT.  For HAM and unclassified 
mail, do I return DECLINED to let it pass onto the next plugin?

Finally, I'd like to publish and get some feedback on the popfile plugin, but 
given the 'bare-knuckles' programming, it might slow down processing on 
anything BUT a low-volume mail site.  I would like some feedback either way 
though.  With this in mind, is it proper etiquette to send the plugin to the 
mailing list or send a URL, or what?



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