On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 05:34:18PM -0300, Freddy Martinez Garcia wrote:
> Guys... i'm using qt-creator with non qt project and when I run the
> valgrind everything is perfect, but If i run a qt project with valgrind, my
> project doesn't start.. Is this the right place to ask about it or I have
> to go to the valgrind mail list ?

A valgrind list would be the right place to ask if your application
doesn't work with valgrind on the command line.

Assuming it does work there, this here (or even bugreports.qt-project.org)
is the place to ask about issues with the Qt Creator integration.

What version of Qt Creator, valgrind and your OS are we talking about?

Is there any output in tha Application Output pane or anything else
that looks interesting?

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