Hi all,

The Qt Project has been accepted as mentor organization for GSoC. Yay!

We now should collect ideas for projects that students could work on, we 
started here:

For students it's a good idea to start talking to people in areas you are 
interested in already. We have not yet set the criteria for being accepted, 
but I imagine you should at least have pushed a change or two to Qt's 
codereview and have some C++ knowledge (or willingness to learn), depending on 
the task.
http://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Contribution_Guidelines will help you getting started.

Check out KDE's guidelines, many things apply to Qt (both for students and 

I'd like to invite everyone to join #qt-gsoc on freenode.
Ask questions about procedure in #qt-gsoc, programming questions then in #qt-
labs on IRC/freenode. This mailing list is also a good place to discuss about 
potential work this summer.

People that have been active in developing Qt can of course be mentors, let me 
know if you want to be part of the mentor team, signing up for mentoring is 
not a commitment yet. Note that you cannot be mentor and student at the same 
time. We will aim to have at least two mentors for each project and that 
mentoring does take time and commitment, it's not an easy task (not to 
discourage you, the more mentors we have, the better).

The general overview page for Qt GSoC is here:

Right now the organization page for GSoC shows "The Qt Company", which is a 
mistake we made when applying for the program. It of course should be the "Qt 

This is the first time we'll participate in GSoC, so I don't expect us to get 
too many slots, we'll find out as we go, I do hope we'll have some great 
applications and get interesting things into Qt.


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