On 16/03/18 09:05, Eike Ziller wrote:
I can only find Qt 4.8.7 onhttps://packages.slackware.com  ... o.O

I won't got into details ;-) But here is the place to look at:

Bundling Qt (and actually libclang) into a Qt Creator build: 
“INSTALL_ROOT=/some/install/root make deployqt”
For LLVM you can also try using the builds that we provide 

I'm familiar with bundling LLVM, but not yet with Qt.

I won't use pre-built binaries.
The point here is to build everything from source.

Using SlackBuilds.org means you generally build everything from source.
There are, too, some packages, which are created out of pre-built binaries.
But, whenever possible, I try to provide the "from source" build option.

Best regards,
Andrzej Telszewski
Qt-creator mailing list

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