Hi there, QtC is behaving very strangely when trying to debug a remote linux app. My qmake project is a very simple demo, i just have a main.cpp, application.cpp and mainwindow.cpp, cross compiled to arm-linux using custom toolchains, custom gdb too.
When I insert a breakpoint, gdb doesn't stop on it. and QtC is lost. Clicking on the breakpoint in the debugger 'breakpoints' view gives me a error popup: Could not open ""/home/chgans/Projects/bolt-demos/embedded/mainwindow.cpp":48" for reading. Either the file does not exist or you do not have the permissions to open it. and later on: The gdb process has not responded to a command within 40 seconds. This could mean it is stuck in an endless loop or taking longer than expected to perform the operation. You can choose between waiting longer or aborting debugging. The 'mainwindow.cpp' is actually opened in an editor. A variation of this, is break point on the first line of my 'main()' function (which reads "Application app;"). For some reason, in the breakpoint view, this BP is displayed as a tree node with 3 leaves: all point on the first line of a main() of various Qt's evdev plugins. That's really weird, and make me think that QtC/GDB might be confused by my app command line (that need to contain the list of Qt plugin i want to use). The command line contains things like '-platform navicofb -plugin evdevkeyboard:internalkeymap=/usr/share/NOS/resources/simrad.qmap:dir=/dev/input:mask=mouse.*:internalkey=/dev/input/event0:externalkey=/dev/input/event2 --expose-gc -plugin evdevtouch' Would anyone have tip on how to troubleshoot the problem? I find it very hard to troubleshoot QtC issues that are debugger related. I checked the 'Global debugger log' view, but didn't find clue. Is there a way to activate some QtC internal logging? For now QtC stdout/err output is littered with 'qtc.ssh' message, but nothing concerning the debugger. Thanks, Chris _______________________________________________ Qt-creator mailing list Qt-creator@qt-project.org https://lists.qt-project.org/listinfo/qt-creator