Hi Tobias,
this evening i got it working. The problem i had was that by
RunBuildConfigurationFactory was a
subclass of FixedRunConfigurationFactory thus only one RunConfiguration was
I switched to RunConfigurationFactory and now i get one runconfiguration
per target
because RunConfigurationFactory::availableCreators calls

I've updated the code review.

Now i'm facing another issue: i've all my run configuration with both
executable and working directory setup
but the Run button is disabled and i cannot run them. The runconfigurations
are enabled (by breaking inside
the setEnabled function). Any idea?

Thank you for the support


Il giorno gio 3 ott 2019 alle ore 19:57 Tobias Hunger <
tobias.hun...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Hi Filippo,
> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 11:31 PM Filippo Cucchetto
> <filippocucche...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > i'm working for adding support to the Nimble build system for Nim but
> i'm struggling understanding how to add multiple RunConfigurations.
> > To be honest i'm a little confused in how  Targets, Kits, BuildInfo,
> BuildConfigurations and BuildTargetInfo work together
> > Honestly i thought that the missing piece fwas calling
> Target::setApplicationTargets() but it doesn't seems enough.
> I just realized that I have no idea how that works nowadays:-) But I
> think you are probably missing a RunConfigurationFactory that feels
> responsible for your kind of project or something.
> > So in my use case (one project with multiple executables being built
> (like a CMake project) what should i do?
> > I though: one or more kit, each kit with one target, one target with
> multiple buildinfo e multiple, builtargetinfo.
> You have a Project.
> A project has a list of Targets.
> Each Target has *exactly* and *always* one Kit (and each target will
> have a different Kit), as well as a list of BuildConfigurations,
> DeployConfigurations and RunConfigurations. Think of it as a bit of
> glue that connects a Kit, the Project and the *Configurations. That's
> all there is to it.
> The Build-/DeployConfigurations hold a list of BuildSteps.
> It's not that complicated:-)

Filippo Cucchetto
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