Hi Tobias,

This is a "side track" of the initial thread about setup problems of CMake 
based projects: I was mentioning the fact that already now the QtCreator 
sometimes asks what to do with certain settings that seem to be "changed on 
disk" - probably meaning: there are differences between *.user file and 
CMakeCache - but I am not really sure. This would be such a dialog that I am 
getting from time to time:

And I must admit that so far I had NO CLUE what this dialog really wants to ask 
me! Now I have at least a guess: the expression "changed on disk" I interpret 
now in the way that it refers to the content of the CMakeCache file, while "the 
real project" (compared to which it is "changed") must then probably be what 
comes from the *.user file. Next you have that table, with the columns "Key", 
"CMake" and "Project". After our discussion I tend to guess that "CMake" again 
refers to the CMakeCache, while "Project" refers to the *.user file.

So far I had no problems if I just press the right one of two buttons, but I 
never had any idea what I am doing with this choice - much less why I am asked 
this question. And I must admit that this kind of "stirring in the fog" feels a 
bit strange...

Because: for a "normal human being", ie without being blinded by knowing too 
much internal details of either CMake or QtCreator, both mean more or less the 
same: If you are working with a CMake based project then obviously "CMake" is 
identical with "the project"!

In other words: I think this dialog would need a bit of reconsideration in 
terms of wording! Like:

- At the top it could be something like "The project has been changed outside 
of QtCreator"

- Headers of the table: change the order of columns 2 and 3, then replace 
"Project" by "QtCreator project" and "CMake" by "Changed value"

- Finally the buttons should then be "Discard external changes" (left) and 
"Adapt QtCreator project to changes" (right)

This assuming that my current understanding which I gained during the 
discussions in this thread is correct!

Best regards, Cornelis
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