Umpf, now I forgot one import part after all :)

* This change will be on in about 12 hours (SHA1 is  

++ Eike

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Ziller Eike (Nokia-D-Qt/Berlin)" <>
> Date: 16. Oktober 2009 14:58:39 MESZ
> To: "" <>
> Subject: [Qt-creator] Attention: Some internal things were renamed
> This is a notice to all of you compiling Qt Creator directly from git,
> or even hack around it, or even in it.
> (If you are merely using a binary package, you may ignore this mail.)
> The outstanding task to rename the internal classes/plugin that
> implements "Locator" from "QuickOpen" to "Locator" has finally been
> done.
> We have the global renaming tool in the Qt Creator 1.3.0 beta now, so
> that was an opportunity to finally do this boring task :)
> What that means for you, is that you'll need to make a clean build.
> At the very least you must run "qmake -r" and remove all occurrances
> of QuickOpen.pluginspec and libQuickOpen.* from your lib/ folder (or,
> mac users, from your application bundle). But I don't recommend to try
> that minimal approach, best to remove your shadowbuild directory, or,
> if you are doing in-source builds, consider using "git clean -dxf"
> which removes all untracked files.
> "make clean" is *not* sufficient. And I'd suppose even "make
> distclean" isn't.
> Have a nice weekend!
> ++ Eike
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