On Tuesday 27 October 2009 19:38:04 Daniel Teske wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 October 2009 16:58:46 ext Gena Cid wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I've found a tiny bug when tried Qt-creator on subj. Everything is just
> >  fine, but build steps contains two target: my custom target and 'all'
> >  (looks like 'make all <my custom target>'). After uncheck and check
> > again <my custom target> in the Targets list 'all' disappeared and
> > everything is works as expected.
> >
> > P.S. Use qt-creator-linux-x86_64-opensource-1.2.90
> I think I already fixed that.

Oops! Sorry, need to check latest snapshot first..


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