
Am Oct 29, 2009 um 6:16 PM schrieb ext Salvatore Rinaldo:

> Hi Pekka,
> When you launch the Symbian emulator from Qt Creator, it's heavily  
> slown down by the debug output - you can work around
> that by running e.g. DebugView and you'll have the emulator run  
> faster.

Well, this depends a lot on which version of Qt Creator we are talking  
Qt Creator 1.3.0-beta shouldn't have this issue anymore, if you use a  
"YouApp in Symbian Emulator" run configuration. (The debug output is  
filtered to show only qDebug/qWarning and friends.)

> Hope this helps,
> Cheers,
> Salvatore

Am Oct 29, 2009 um 3:11 PM schrieb Kosonen Pekka (Nokia-FNDC/Tampere):

> It's a bit annoying that Creator causes Symbian emulators to stop  
> functioning - atleast for me. Epoc.exe process freezes after it has  
> gotten around 1800kb of memory. Doesn't matter where I try to launch  
> it from (creator, command prompt,..)

So the your app doesn't start if you double click your  
applications .exe from <yourSdkRoo>/epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/ 
YourApp.exe from Windows Explorer?

> When I close creator emulators function. It's with all the SDKs I  
> have (3rd ed to 5th ed) - creator must have something to do with a  
> process called epoc.exe
> Anyone had similar experiences? I do hope I'm alone with this one...

For me the emulator starts up nicely with Qt Creator 1.3.0 beta, and a  
"MyApp in Symbian Emulator" run configuration to start the Qt for  
Symbian application.

Best regards, Eike

Eike Ziller
Software Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
Phone  +49 (0)30 6392 3255
Fax    +49 (0)30 6392 3256
E-mail eike.zil...@nokia.com

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