On Saturday 05 December 2009 00:11:45 ext Hari Sundar wrote:
> Hi,
> When I use cmake (from the cmd line or the GUI) to produce nmake
> files, it produces it based on the version I have specified as the
> default version. However, it forces it to VC 9 if I invoke it within
> Creator. This might also be due to the fact that I used VC9 to compile
> Qt.

Well I think you are the first to try the cmake plugin with multiple visual 
studio installations. Note that the VS support for cmake is new in this 1.3  
There might be a few bugs with multiple vs installations.

 > How do I specify the VC version to use while generating NMakefiles ?
The intended way is to start Creator from a shell without a preset VS and then 
then the wizard which asks you to create the .cbp file should ask you which VS 
version it should use. 

I've fixed a few things which looked wrong in those code paths recently, but 
that's only for master.

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