On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 3:05 PM, Coda Highland <c...@bobandgeorge.com> wrote:
>> Visual Studio uses Ctrl-F3 to find the next occurrence of the word under the
>> cursor, and F3 to find the next after that.
> That is to say, Ctrl+F3 is "search for next occurrence of current
> word"; F3 is "find again" no matter how you started the search.
> In vim, shift+8 is "find next occurrence of current word" and shift+3
> is "find previous occurrence of current word". In both cases you can
> use "n" to continue or use the same keystroke. (Apparently the
> mnemonic is that it's * and # like on a phone. Other than that it
> seems a bit senseless.)

Additionally when vim is built with mouse support, shift+left click
and shift+right click are find word forward and find word backward.

As a note, the * and # commands search exact words only; it's
different than typing /foo. To find the current word even as a
substring, it's g* and g#. This is a nice touch when, for instance,
you're looking for calls to read() in a file with calls to readLine()
and readAll().

/s/ Adam
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