Qt-Creator has the concept of Session Management, using which session can be
created, deleted, switched. By default a session called "default session" is
created. But when Qt-Creator is launched, it is not loading (making active)
the "default session". As a result Qt-Creator is launched without any active
session. So, if a project (say animatedtiles) is opened it is not assocaited
with any session. When Qt-Creator is closed and reopened, it doesn't load
that project (i.e. animatedtiles). This is the right behavior.

The way for the user to work is, launch the Qt-Creator and choose the
session (Welcome->Develop->Resume Session->default). Then load the project.
If the Qt-Creator is closed and reopened the state is preserved with
"default session". If the "default session" is activated user can see the
previosuly loaded project (i.e. animatedtiles).

Issues are

1. When Qt is launched why "default session" is not activated?. If this is
done, then any project opened will be saved for next re-launch of
Qt-Creator. This is going to give much better user experience as well, i.e.
user can avoid loading the "default session" every time Qt_Creator is

2. When Qt-Creator is launched current active session is indicated by,
File->Session shows default session is active by indicating a blue dot. This
is a false indication. File->Session navigation also seems to be a way of
managing sessions, but when that option of File->Session->default is
selected it's not loading the "default session"!.

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