
I want to happily report that I pulled all the latest commits to the
4.6-stable branch and recompiled both, Qt and Qt-Creator under Snow
Leopard (with -cocoa). It looks like you guys took care of the mouse
click glitches and probably a lot more: everything appears to work as we
expect it to.

I also have everything recompiled under RedHat (RHEL5) and it works
flawlessly, at least within the limits of my ignorance, namely, as long
as you don't reach my incompetence level...:-)

I wouldn't mind trying it under Solaris as well, except that compiling
Qt in one of those servers takes like 16 hours...and besides, I can't
afford messing up one of those systems.

Thank you to all of you for the great work you do.



A semi-dumb question: What Qt branch should we compile that still allows
us to build Qt-Creator while getting the latest Qt goodies as well?

I have settled for the 4.6-stable branch in this case (in has worked in
all platforms I have tried it), but maybe another branch seems more

Do you have a description of the currently available git branches?

Eike Ziller wrote:
> Hi,
> On Jan 2, 2010, at 1:59 AM, ext Victor Sardina wrote:
>> Fellows:
>> I upgraded my Qt and QtCreator installation on Mac (Snow Leopard) just a
>> couple of days ago. I compiled and installed Qt-4.6 (4.6.1-Stable branch
>> from the git repository), and then compiled QtCreator 1.3, also the
>> latest from its corresponding git repo. I had to do this because some
>> new features introduced in the 4.6 branch that the latest QtCreator uses.
>> I compiled everything in 64 bit passing the -cocoa flag to the configure
>> script.
> there were and are some problems with Cocoa enabled Qt versions, that are 
> exposed by Qt Creator.
> Please see http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-367
> Many of these problems were present in the 4.6.0 release of Qt, many have 
> been fixed in the meantime.
>> I had some glitches when compiling Qt, apparently due to some
>> include path order in the webkit module that conflicted with the mysql
>> "plugin.h" file. In fact, Thiago Maceiera posted something about mysql
>> using an include file like "config.h" at
>> http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-6351.
>> It looks like Qt would include the mysql file due to some search path
>> order issue. I went around it after doing some reading by renaming the
>> "plugin.h" inside the mysql include folder to something else before
>> continuing the compilation, and then building the mysql plugin by hand
>> after moving the renamed file back to "plugin.h". After that both Qt and
>> QtCreator installed just fine.
>> All that I have an idea how it should work appears to continue to work
>> as usual, except for the mouse clicks inside QtCreator's editor "Select
>> a symbol" pull down menu: I cannot select anything, as though the editor
>> remains oblivious to the click. The pull down does display the list of
>> available functions et al., but I cannot select anything to navigate to
>> unless I press the arrow keys and then select something by pressing
>> return. This turns a little bit annoying.
>> Furthermore, if you right-click to display the "Sort alphabetically"
>> menu you cannot toggle it via a mouse click either. If you right-click
>> inside the "Sort alphabetically" menu again then another pop up menu
>> displaying "Sort alphabetically" shows up, which you cannot toggle via
>> the mouse either.
>> Inside QtDesigner, for instance, a right click brings up a menu, and
>> after clicking at least once you can select items the usual way, but not
>> on QtCreator.
>> This appears to indicate some problem with the handling of the mouse
>> actions.
>> Has this something to do with new features introduced in /Qt or QtCreator?
>> Has anyone seen something like this, or knows a way to fix it, as yet?
>> Regards,
>> Victor
>> <victor_sardina.vcf><ATT00001..txt>

<<attachment: victor_sardina.vcf>>

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