I am trying to convert a project I have been building with MSVC++ over 
to using Qt Creator (the latest version appears to be quite impressive!) 
But, I am having trouble getting a custom Widget plugin to appear in Qt.

Windows XP SP 3
I downloaded the Qt SDK 2010.01 and built it successfully, using minGW.

There are now two accessible designers, and they appear differently. The 
designer I get to from the Start menu, Dev->QtSDK->tools->designer has 
all the basic widgets plus the ones from the demos (Arthur, Display 
Widgets (examples), Phonon, Qt3 Support, etc). The designer I get to 
from within Creator, by Dbl-click on a .ui file does not have the added 
Widgets, it stops at Display Widgets.

Is there a setting somewhere I am missing to get these Widgets to appear 
in both Designers? The ultimate goal is to have my custom Widget in 
Designer so I can plop it onto custom forms.

I have tried re-compliling examples and demos (they always compile, no 
errors, and the dates and times of .dll files in the the 
Qt/2010.01/Qt/plugins/designer folder update after the compile), but 
those still do not appear in the Designer that is accessed through 
Creator, even after closing and re-opening Creator.

The file structure looks as if the two Designer are looking in the same 
plugins folder, so I do not see why the extra plugins dont appear.
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