Hi Friedemann,

>> This probably originates from Qt Designer trying to load a phonon 
plugin. Try to remove
opt/qtsdk-2010.02/qt/plugins/designer/libphononwidgets.so and clear
the environment variable QT_PLUGIN_PATH.  If it still doesn't work, try
to put
/opt/qtsdk-2010.02/qt/bin as the first directory in the PATH.  <<

Well, I can now open designer from creator. I did have to put 
/opt/qtsdk-2010.02/qt/bin as the first directory in the PATH to finally 
get it going.

However, I still have exactly the same problem in that the 
librwlineeditplugin.so file does not get put in the plugins directory. 
Again, I can manually copy the file to /opt/qtsdk-2010.02/qt/plugins, 
but I still get the same sorts of errors:

/home/robertw/Software/Qt4/Qt4Test/ui_mainwindow.h:53: undefined 
reference to `rwLineEdit::rwLineEdit(QWidget*)'

I should mention that I do have permissions for the sdk install directory.

Just in case it's of interest:


I am not really convinced I had the wrong designer last time from the 
repository anyway, because both designer and creator were 4.6.1.

I should maybe mention that I have successfully subclassed things like 
QPushButton and coded them into programs successfully, it's just getting 
this integration with Qt Designer that is proving elusive!

Yours frustratedly. :~)

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