Am Donnerstag 29 April 2010 schrieb Elfen:
> Pardon the complete Linux newbie question...  But what's the best
> place to install Qt SDK / Qt Creator on Linux (openSUSE KDE, Ubuntu
> GNOME, etc)?
> I downloaded qt-sdk-linux-x86_64-opensource-2010.02.bin, did chmod,
> then opened the file...  The default folder is /home/[user
> name]/qtsdk-2010.02, but this seems strange?
> My general understanding is that there are two basic types of
> installs: 1) the automatic package repository installs
> 2) installs you do manually, such as from deb / rpm / bin files

Actually 1) and the first part of 2) is the same (eg. yast uses rpm to 
install, see it as kind of fancy frontend), just bin files or compiling 
yourself is different.
Using linux -- especially as a newbie -- you should always use the 
repository manager of your distribution. This way everything fits 
together and you get automatic updates.

> Meanwhile, I notice that the openSUSE package repository's latest
> firefox is 3.5.9, yet FireFox's website lets me download version
> 3.6.3.

Suse, like most other distributions, keeps the version of the installed 
software "fixed" during the lifetime of one of their versions. But their 
3.5.9-xyz is 3.5.9 plus all security updates.
Background: if they change the version (upgrade) of one package they may 
break a lot of other packages, or at least the working configuration for 
some users - to use your firefox example: there are some add-ons which 
don't work with 3.6, so users of this add-ons would be left with a 
better/newer but broken firefox.

So /home/user/qt-sdk... is a good place for your personal copy of the 
newest qt creator -- installing it "in the system" would mean to replace 
your current qt installation, this could/would break all or some of the 
qt applications, including the kde applications, which would mean a 
broken desktop.


   |o_o |
   |:_/ |      August Hörandl
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