Hi André,

On May 12, 2010, at 6:13 PM, André Fillipe wrote:

Are there guidelines for the shared lib version numbers? Is this okay?

VERSION  = 1.2.393

I don't really know. The numbering is somehow tied to the library
binary interface. That is something I still have to learn. Someone
here referred me to this paper by a Sun engineer (that I haven't read


Thanks for the article.  Using the Subversion revision number as the "micro" 
should fit fine in the "major"."minor"."micro" pattern.

>Defining the binary interface of a C++ library and pinpointing changes
that break it is not so trivial. Nokia's Thiago Macieira has written
extensively about it:

- http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Binary_Compatibility_Issues_With_C++

I agree it requires careful thought. After reading, I added the links you sent 
to our wiki.

One question though, what is this section for in the test app?

That is the extra build step I mentioned. It copies the message.txt
file alongside the app binary. If you didn't see it in action maybe
it's because you ran qmake inside the project directory - there's no
need to copy the file it in this case. If you set up a shadow build in
Qt Creator it will certainly run.

I see running make copies "message.txt" to "message" in the Test folder.   I am 
still trying to correlate that copy action to the syntax I see in Test.pro 
<pasted below>:

# Extra compilers 

copy_cfg.name     = "Copy Configuration"
copy_cfg.input    = CONFIG_FILES
copy_cfg.output   = ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}${QMAKE_FILE_EXT}
copy_cfg.commands = $${QMAKE_COPY} ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT}
copy_cfg.CONFIG   = no_link target_predeps


CONFIG_FILES += $$PWD/message.txt

Creating new build steps is explained here:

- http://www.qtcentre.org/wiki/index.php?title=Undocumented_qmake#Custom_tools

There is a lot in these articles I was not aware of.  How to apply this is 
still not clear to me. For each Qt project I have an associated build script.  
Perhaps with enough qmake study I can move it all into qmake.  My scripts do 
the following:

qmake *.pro -r -spec linux-g++
make clean
# copy dependent libraries to build output directory
doxygen Doxyfile

Anyway, I will keep reading about qmake using the links you sent and it should 
make since eventually. I did a Google code search of *.pro files to find more 


Thank you again for your time and for the valuable reference links.


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