> The correct way to include SDL headers is:
>   #include <SDL.h>
> That is, no "SDL/" prefix.  On your system the SDL headers might be
> installed in /usr/include/SDL, but not on other systems (for example, it
> might be include/SDL-1.2/).  To get the actual include directory, you
> either use pkg-config or sdl-config.  In your .pro file:
>   QMAKE_CFLAGS += $$system(sdl-config --cflags)
>   QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$system(sdl-config --cflags)
Thanks, it's been some time since I last used SDL, I thought I was
doing it the right way.

>> in most of my source files get
>> resolved just fine, with my main.cpp being the only exception. For
>> some reason, QT Creator keeps underlining the #include statement
>> complaining that it wasn't able to find SDL.h.
> This is solved with a little trick in your pro file:
>   # This is just a hack to make code completion work OK in Qt Creator.
>   INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/SDL
>   INCLUDEPATH -= /usr/include/SDL
I don't really understand why would this work, but code completion
seems to work fine as it is.

Thanks for your help,

Iván Vodopiviz

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