Actually this would have failed if you had been building without Qt
Creator as well.

Your project isn't linking to QtNetwork because you need to add
"network" to the "QT +=" line.

/s/ Adam

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:05 AM,  <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm doing a simple login dialog and since I tried to use QTcpSockets I've
> been having some problems building my project.
> I receive these errors:
> logindialog.obj:: error:  unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport)
> public: virtual __thiscall QTcpSocket::~QTcpSocket(void)"
> (__imp_??1QTcpSocket@@u...@xz) referenced in function "public: virtual
> __thiscall LoginDialog::~LoginDialog(void)" (??1LoginDialog@@u...@xz)
> logindialog.obj:: error:  unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport)
> public: __thiscall QTcpSocket::QTcpSocket(class QObject *)"
> (__imp_??0QTcpSocket@@q...@pavqobject@@@Z) referenced in function "public:
> __thiscall LoginDialog::LoginDialog(class QWidget *)"
> (??0LoginDialog@@q...@pavqwidget@@@Z)
> debug\Backoffice.exe:: error:  2 unresolved externals
> I'm using Qt Creator in Windows XP 32 bits. From what I found online,
> similar problems were solved by reinstalling Qt, adding settings to the .obj
> file, disabling shadow building in the pro.user file... I tried the last two
> solutions, none worked. The best I got was no errors but the building
> stopped and consequently was not completed.
> Anyone know how to solve this. If anyone knows, please sahre it with me,
> because my work is getting delayed :| I will include the project files as
> attachments, since it's only a login dialog and there's only a few lines of
> code on it.
> Thanks in advance,
> João
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