There are protocols in place for these things for just such a reason.
Your attitude here is really quite unprofessional and you're not
likely to get a positive response from anyone that way, but the
commercial support people are PAID to put up with people who are
already pissed off. The people who monitor the mailing lists and the
bugtrackers don't have authority to promote user-reported issues up to
"FIX THIS RIGHT NOW" status -- the people who pay the bills at Nokia,
however, do.

This mailing list is primarily a matter of the open-source users --
and for what it's worth you're perfectly free to use open-source
Creator with commercial Qt, so unless the non-Creator Qt package is
broken too you have your workaround right there. And if the
non-Creator Qt package is broken too, build it from source. It's not
like it takes a long time to build with -no-webkit -nomake demos
-nomake examples.

/s/ Adam

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 4:55 PM, Martin Konold
<> wrote:
> Am 28.07.2010 21:14, schrieb Oswald Buddenhagen:
> Hi Ossi,
>> that is the answer one can expect from the official commercial support
>> channel, not from the developer list.
> Look, this little bug needs to be fixed by the developers not by the
> commercial support guys.
> (The reporting customer is paying for about 10 commercial support
> contracts but going this route would just put extra burden on many more
> people without any real gain.)
> On the other hand I just learned from the bug report that this issue was
> already reported in December last year for the previous version 1.3.0.
> This makes me wonder why it was not fixed before the release of the new
> stable version?
> Yours,
> -- martin
> P.S.: In case you are unwilling to maintain this license check stuff you
> may consider dropping it altogether. But if you decide to keep the
> license check you are obliged to maintain it permanently.
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