В Thu, 21 Oct 2010 13:32:55 +0200
Erwin Brandenberger <bra...@heag.ch> пишет:

EB> Yes of course, the library will be build:
EB> ar cqs libfoo.a foo.o

Is compilation fail if you instead -lfoo pass full path to libfoo.a? like
LIBS += /path/libfoo.a
Look like linker does not found library in path... Try to add -L/path/to/lib

But also it look like is not Qt Creator related problem :-)
EB> Am Donnerstag, den 21.10.2010, 14:24 +0300 schrieb Alex T.:
EB> > Do you have libfoo.a in that directory after compilation? Because it
EB> > looks like that you will have only foo.o there.
EB> > 
EB> > On 21 October 2010 14:17, Erwin Brandenberger <bra...@heag.ch> wrote:
EB> >         The qt creators foo.pro file looks like this:
EB> >         
EB> >         QT       -= core gui
EB> >         TARGET = foo
EB> >         TEMPLATE = lib
EB> >         CONFIG += staticlib warn_off
EB> >         unix:DEFINES += RUN_LINUX \
EB> >         RUN_UNIX
EB> >         win32:DEFINES += RUN_NT
EB> >         
EB> >         Yes there is a -fPIC option set. Do I have to switch off it ?
EB> >         How do I do it ?
EB> >         
EB> >         gcc -c -pipe -g -w -fPIC -D_REENTRANT -DRUN_LINUX -DRUN_UNIX
EB> >         -I/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -IDESTDIR -I= -I.  -o foo.o
EB> >         foo.c
EB> >         
EB> >         
EB> >         
EB> >         
EB> >         Am Donnerstag, den 21.10.2010, 18:53 +1100 schrieb Alexander
EB> >         'hatred'
EB> >         Drozdoff:
EB> >         
EB> >         > В Wed, 20 Oct 2010 10:34:06 +0200
EB> >         > Erwin Brandenberger <bra...@heag.ch> пишет:
EB> >         >
EB> >         > EB> I like to compile c code building a static library and
EB> >         then linking this
EB> >         > EB> library from a c++ project.
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB> But for all c-function calls I get undefined reference.
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         >
EB> >         > What compilation options do you use for build library? Do
EB> >         you use [in gcc/mingw32 cases] -fPIC
EB> >         > options for build objects from your foo.c?
EB> >         >
EB> >         > EB> The static c-library is referenced by the c++ project in
EB> >         the .pro file:
EB> >         > EB> LIBS += -lfoo
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB> What goes wrong ?
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB> The c files look like this:
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB> int foo(int a)
EB> >         > EB> {
EB> >         > EB>   return(a);
EB> >         > EB> }
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB> and the header files:
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB> #ifdef __cplusplus
EB> >         > EB> extern "C" {
EB> >         > EB> #endif
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB> int foo(int a);
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB> #ifdef  __cplusplus
EB> >         > EB> } /* extern "C" */
EB> >         > EB> #endif
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB> and the project file parameters:
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         > EB> QT -= core gui
EB> >         > EB> TEMPLATE = lib
EB> >         > EB> CONFIG += staticlib
EB> >         > EB>
EB> >         >
EB> >         >

Alexander Drozdov
FIDO: 2:5045/41.84
Site: http://hatred.homelinux.net
Site: http://archlinux.org.ru

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