Please file a bug about this so it won’t get forgotten :)

This should work, yeah, but I don’t really know why it have been broken. So 
needs some digging in...

Remember to mention your OS, often most annoying bugs are OS dependent.

On Wednesday 23 February 2011 14:39:05 Michael Douglass wrote:
> I have an object which extends QTabWidget and has a method declared:
>    public void tabCloseRequested(Integer tabNumber);
> I am then doing the following:
>     tabCloseRequested.connect(this, "tabCloseRequested(Integer)");
> Under 4.6.3, this worked perfectly.  Under 4.7.1 it no longer works properly. 
>  If I rename my slot to be tabCloseRequestedSlot or onTabCloseRequested, then 
> it works just fine.  
It seems to break if and only iff the slot and the signal are of the same name 
in the same object.   I can successfully have the QTabBar child attach it's 
tabCloseRequested signal 
to the parent's tabCloseRequested slot.
> The work around is easy -- rename my slot methods.  The trouble is finding 
> all the places I do this, because the failure is silent.
> Are there any thoughts on how to "fix" this?  Oh, this is on the Mac -- I 
> haven't checked to see if Windows exhibits the same behavior.
> Thanks,
> Michael
Samu Voutilainen
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